How To Create Your Dream Career - The Ultimate Life Purpose Course

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your life is important honor it fight for your highest possibilities are you right now living your top passion in life are you doing the most meaningful thing that you can be doing with your work do you even know what that is for you and if the answer is no then what exactly are you waiting for do you think some magic cure is going to come your way and solve this problem for you that somehow it's all just going to resolve itself and life is gonna all work out for you let me back up a step tell you a little story this is a story about a girl who grew up in the 60s and 70s and ever since she was 5 or 7 years old she had a knack a natural knack for art she had a really good artistic eye she could draw she could sketch she could color she was interested in faces and animals nature she was just naturally drawn to that and she did that on her own free time she was also naturally talented at music the piano the nose the scales picking all that stuff up and arts and crafts she was good at all this but life just kind of started happening to her and eventually she got married she had kids and she had to get a regular job and she moved to the United States does she grew up another country but after she moved to the US her life started to slide she really didn't keep up with life anymore because she took a backseat to her husband and slowly over the next decade or two she became more and more of a victim she stopped working on her career and she just became a stay-at-home mom and took care of the kids and sacrifice for the family and that seemed all right nothing wrong with that except she wasn't really developing herself she wasn't pursuing anything in life she let life happen to her kind of spontaneously and over time the marriage toxified and toxified and she became more and more helpless and her self-esteem eroded more and more until finally the marriage just broke apart and she had a separate and then she was off on her own and now she had to fend for herself she had to go off into the job market find a job except it was difficult to find a job because he didn't have any really marketable skills and so she found the only job she could which is just a very basic minimum wage retail job and she worked there actually got two jobs one full-time one part-time and she worked hard at these jobs she worked her ass off but at these kinds of jobs you're not really doing any fulfilling meaningful work and she doesn't get much respect at these jobs and in fact sometimes she tries to be creative in her work and she tries to go arrange the Shelf arrange the products in a beautiful kind of way and sometimes her managers notice that she's doing this and she's trying real hard and they give her a thumbs up that's about all she gets is a thumbs up which isn't much and some she doesn't even get that and as he might expect working these jobs she's becoming more and more bitter angry frustrated bitter at the fact that no one appreciates her work that she's not getting paid what she's worth that she's doing meaningless pointless menial labor week in week out and that's what her life has become and this just infects all aspects of her life because she's feeling stuck now she can't really break out of this cycle which keeps going lower and lower because she doesn't have the psychological tools to understand how her own mind is trapping her and locking her up in a cage it's a self-imposed victimhood it's really sad to see and she doesn't understand how victim psychology works and basically she's given up on her dreams and she's not using those artistic abilities that she had which in another life perhaps she could have used and had an impact on the world and actually built a career around that and been following her passion and actually be stoking passion rather than bitterness inside her feeding her muse through her work and then getting paid well for it as well but that's not her she really doesn't have much of a life her life is very weak versus rich a rich life is a life in which you're taking in everything that life has to offer you all the experiences all the possibilities and you're growing to expand yourself continuously so that you can take in more of what life has to offer your learning you're growing you're traveling you're evolving but that's not what she has she's really stuck permanently stuck and she could still break out but she's pretty stuck because once you get into that cycle and you live in that cycle for a few years for a decade or two it gets real tough because that prison that you construct around yourself becomes your new status quo and you don't even believe that there's anything possible outside of it anymore and if you even have some sort of dream or aspiration it just gets thrown out into the garbage as some luxury or some foolhardy ideal some cockamamie far-fetched scheme that isn't real isn't possible because you've just gotten used to living in this cage and this is very unfortunate because to me living life is all about living a rich life a life where you're expanding and this case is especially heartbreaking because she is my mom and I see her wasting her potential and I see her wasting her life and I know she's got this extraordinary ability because I've seen her paint I've seen her draw in fact all through middle school in high school whenever I got art assignments in school you know sometimes a teacher wants you to draw something as a project I would always hand that off to her and she would secretly do it for me then I would submit the work and everyone in class including the teacher was so impressed that I had the best artwork in in the class whenever we had these assignments and it was all because of her and not only is it that her career is weak but when you have a weak career that's like having a weak backbone a weak foundation that then infects all the other aspects of your life from that weak career you get a weak social life and you get a weak hobby life and you get a very weak rest and recreation and entertainment time and you get weak health physical health emotional health all of that suffers because the backbone is eroded and perhaps the most heartbreaking for me of all this is that even given all that as if that wasn't bad enough I feel like me and my mom are drifting further and further apart with every year that goes by because for me I'm trying to do my thing which is out there self actualizing and studying all this material and learning and building businesses and traveling and going to seminars and exploring life and trying to take in and savor everything I can before I'm dead and she's doing her thing which is not that and what happens is that there's not even a common ground for us to relate on anymore hardly even have a phone conversation because we're on such different wavelengths and that to me is a shame and I wish that she had a richer life a life of fewer regrets but that's her let's talk about you what about you what is your life about do you even know is the work that you're doing the most meaningful thing that you could be doing in your life think about this you've got one life you've got this one precious opportunity it's a miracle that you're even alive that you were even born and that you come into this really a magical existence this existence we inhabit is magical there's no other word for it and you have all these opportunities and now you're living in the 21st century with all the economic prosperity and all the technological opportunities and the global economy we have all this all this is in your favor and what are you doing with it of all the things you could possibly be doing what you could be contributing how you could be living your life and turning it into an art form and sharing your greatest gifts with the world you're just letting that go by what's it going to take for you to wake up from your deep sleep from your unconsciousness and stop limiting yourself and to really take this idea seriously of living up to your full potential because like Abraham Maslow says if you deliberately try to live below your potential then you're going to doom yourself to a miserable life I find that a very accurate forecast of your future I mean what do I have to say in order to get your mind to take this idea seriously you know the best way is to have you contemplate your own death I mean I can start dragging I wish I could just like drag out photographs right now of the Holocaust of 9/11 of the trenches and the beaches of Normandy of slavery of the plague destroying millions of lives in Europe in the Middle Ages of cancer victims who are going to die in a week or in a month or tomorrow car crash victims who wasted their lives and then they just died suddenly unexpectedly in a car crash or a plane crash that you see on the news that could easily be you this seems morbid but it's not morbid because it puts your life into perspective see most of the time what you do in life is you spend distracting yourself you spend it distracting yourself from the fact that you do have very little of this life left and the fact that you're pissing it away well I'm here to tell you to wake the [ __ ] up because your life is precious and the limits that are there that you feel are there in life this is not the world limiting you this is you limiting you and this here is one of the most positive things that I've discovered in all of my studies of personal development and in my studies of life is that in fact the limits that are there are self-imposed limits and this might seem a little negative at first but actually it's the most positive news you can get because this means that if they were self imposed they can be self unemployed and that's exactly what I proposed for you what I'm talking about here is finding your life purpose making your life mean something making your life about one thing and that one thing is your life calling and your dream career what is it that you're going to be doing with your work here on earth how are you going to be contributing to the world in the most meaningful way because what I've discovered is that if you can figure out this piece of the puzzle of life this is one of the most powerful pieces of the life puzzle to figure out it's one of the most meaningful and rewarding when you get it right and it's a shame that so few people have actually figured this out I've coached many people people who you could say are not too successful people who are kind of average people who are extraordinarily successful who make six figures and more and what I found is that even the most successful people generally have no clue what their purpose is in life and that tells me that all these people are missing out on the sweetest highest pleasures in life the highest pleasures in life are not drugs or food or sex or money the highest pleasures in life are these higher consciousness pleasures they're this like a satisfaction the satisfaction you get from knowing that you are conquering yourself and conquering life and living life richly and I see too many people missing out on that what I've discovered is that life purpose is the most important personal development change that you can make both for your fulfillment levels and also for your success in life and the only qualification I would add to that is that second only to enlightenment if you become enlightened that will be a life altering change but this life purpose thing is really high up there and it's very practical this is what most people need this is what most people lack so what I decided to do having coached clients on this issue now for a couple of years is I decided to put everything together in one tight package all the psychological information you need to know and there's a lot of it all the counterintuitive concepts all the theory all the techniques all the application of the theory I spent the last five months researching this rereading a bunch of old books on life purpose compiling it all together and now I'm really excited to introduce to you what I call the ultimate life purpose course this course is over 20 hours close to ninety HD videos over 200 gigabytes of material explaining how to discover your top passion and then how to use the abstract life purpose that you discover to actually build your dream career or your dream business this was a deeply personal project for me not just because of my mom also because my dad which is a whole can of worms that I'm not going to go into um both of them have really I think wasted their potentials but also because of me because I spent the last ten years of my life trying to figure this out for me going through a ten year trial and error process trying to figure out what is my spot in life what should I be doing in with my life that's actually going to be meaningful to me and I feel like over the last year or two I finally found it I don't know why but from a young age I was kind of blessed with this intuition or innate wisdom to seek out a life purpose I don't know why it happened but I felt like if I'm gonna have a rich powerful life that I'm really in love with to love my life I need to love what I do and I need to find that one thing that I'm going to commit myself to and so from a young age I started to look for what that is but just because I had that innate wisdom and just because I started looking didn't mean that I found it so I spent a lot of time trying to find it and I went down a lot of dead ends I actually did create what I thought was my dream career right out of college and I had a pretty good job nine-to-five job I was a video game designer but then I discovered quickly within about a year that actually hated that job and that that job wasn't aligned with my top values I didn't know much about myself back then because I was in my early 20s I was still discovering who I was so that led me on to the next thing which was to start my own business and so I had no business experience but I went off and did that and had success there but the business I started was also the wrong business for me so again another dead-end and then I went to some other business ideas and those were dead ends until finally I went into actualized org and this process it started off as just wild guessing and trial and error first but then along the way I started reading books started looking at seminars started started listening to smart people going into coaching getting various training and then of course starting my own coaching practice coaching other people on all this and from that starting to see patterns emerge and seeing all the common mistakes and pitfalls that people make in this journey and so I sort of taking notes and compiling all this stuff together to get like a really accurate model of what it takes to discover your passion find your life purpose and then you're aligned your whole life with it this to me is the most amazing thing is that when you're living your life congruently aligned with your top values and with your top strengths and talents and everything just comes together in such a beautiful way and you wake up in the morning feeling like you're living a congruent life like you don't have to tolerate and put up with a bunch of [ __ ] from your boss or from this person or from that person but that you're on your own path in life you're on the hero's journey to me this is what life is about but when I look around I see very few people that live life this way and not surprisingly they're quite miserable and frustrated and they don't have that sense of gratitude about life it's amazing when you actually align your life and you're congruent with all your values you're living your life purpose you get this sense of gratitude life becomes beautiful a joy even when something bad goes wrong and it does you're not living in paradise your life is still a joy and you have this you have this appreciation for the fact that you're alive and you have the sense that you're going to die soon and that's okay because you're living your life well in this short amount of time that you got so what I propose here is that we help you to get this issue handled once and for all in your life it's time to stop stalling and delaying and procrastinating and sticking your head in the sand and what I'm doing here is I'm making this course available I want to tell you a bit more about what this course includes and how it works basically from all the clients that I've coached or last couple of years what I decided to do is just take that process that I use that I've refined with my clients and just make that available but even more than that I decided to just take it up another couple of notches because I found that in coaching clients one-on-one there's a lot of information like theory and important concepts that I wasn't able to communicate with them just because our time is so limited and coaching one-on-one is so expensive right now I charge over three thousand dollars for three to six months of coaching with client this course includes more information than you would get in six months of coaching with me this course will teach you how to discover your life purpose how to get on track with the purpose that you discover because your purpose is an abstract thing we teach you how to get on track with it especially in those critical early stages when you're first starting off and you're first writing to try to build that momentum and it's so difficult so I walk you through that and then there's a focus and an emphasis on how to stay on track over the long run because one of the things I discovered is that it's easy to start a project but then what do you do six months in twelve months in a few years in when you're starting to doubt yourself and you're losing motivation and you're not feeling inspired anymore and you're self sabotaging you're procrastinating how do you deal with all those issues this course goes into a lot of depth on all that who is this course good for here are some folks that I think it applies to really well if you're a professional who's considering a career change because you're not satisfied with your career and you know that it's not right for you this course is perfect for you also if you're an aspiring entrepreneur which means that you've been kind of toying around with the idea of starting your own business but you're not quite sure how to start or you've got some fears that are holding you back this course is perfect for you also if you're an old entrepreneur meaning that you've already made successful businesses maybe you already have a business that earns you a good amount of money but what you're lacking is you're lacking that me meaning that deeper sense of love for your work I can help you find that I've coached clients through helping um through helping them to find that and it's amazing when you take can take a an already-existing entrepreneur who's already successful and already knows and has you know successful habits usually if you're an entrepreneur and you're successful then you've already got it a lot of good stuff going in your life but then taking it up to the highest level possible which is finding that perfect fit that perfect alignment of your work and your talents and the greatest contribution you can make on the world also this course is great for aspiring artists and creatives so if you want to be a writer or a musician or an actor or a movie director or an artist or a painter anything like that that's like creative work and you're not quite sure how to make that work and you're struggling with those creative challenges this course will be really good for you this course is also good for people that are stuck in wage slavery and want an opportunity to break out of that one of the greatest benefits that I've gotten from this journey is simply the freedom and the independence that I have now I'm completely financially independent I set my own schedule I work my own hours I can take vacations whenever I want I still work hard though but it's it's amazing especially if you're a person that loves and values independence or freedom this is a really powerful thing for me personally I couldn't have it any other way the freedom this gives me to go out there and pursue my personal development my other passions and my hobbies and my my health and fitness and other stuff that comes up in my life is invaluable invaluable I don't know how I would live if I was still working a nine-to-five job not to say that there's anything wrong with a nine-to-five job can be fine as long as you love what you're doing there but some of us also love our freedom this course is also great for people that are stuck in a rut in life maybe you're just coming out of a bad relationship or a divorce or you know something's been going on you're going wrong in your life for a while and you've been just stuck and not going anywhere and you want to launch yourself to the next stage open the next chapter in your life well this course is perfect for you if you're lost in life and you don't know what life is about or what your direction life should be this course is perfect for you if you're a college student or a high school student who's just entering life and starting to figure stuff out and isn't sure what to major in or even if you're majoring in something that you're kind of interested in but you're not quite certain about it or you just want to have a really solid foundation for how to take your major and just drive it all the way home so you can become world-class in that major and really kick ass and avoid all the pitfalls that are going to be there for you on that journey this course is perfect for you and also if you're just a self-help junkie and you love studying this stuff and you like understanding yourself deeper on really deep levels if you want to understand yourself then this course will be perfect for you I walk you through every baby step in this course from A to Z from all the concepts in theory down to the techniques how to apply the techniques down to the nitty-gritty how to set goals and action steps and go out there to actually make this happen one of the most important things for me was that we talked about the practical implementation because it's very easy to talk about the stuff in the abstract and then people get lost and don't actually know well how do I take this concept or idea and actually go create a result that's why there's a strong emphasis in this course on practice with a lot of assignments and exercises and worksheets and visualizations let me give you a brief outline of the course first thing we do is we get you stoked up emotionally with a vision for what your life could be like if you actually do live it aligned with a life purpose and that's very important this course is not just about logical facts or just one two three techniques this is about finding passion passions about emotion so I show you how to stoke that up in yourself also there's 35 videos covering 35 essential concepts that I discovered through all the different research that I've done so that's the theory component then we talked about a values assessment how do we find very accurately your top 10 values I help you to do that I walk you through step by step the exact process that I refined from working with dozens of clients there's a strengths assessment to help you find your top five strengths as a human being there's a life purpose assessment to identify very accurately your life purpose then after we identify that we have you articulate your life purpose so we actually have it written it out in a nice concise way on a single piece of paper then we have you create a vision based on this life purpose statement what's your life actually going to look like 10 or 20 years from now something that inspires you then we talk about fears and limiting beliefs this is a really important part of the course because here we address all the limitations that we impose on ourselves all the victim mindsets that we create I show you how to identify those beliefs and fears and how to eliminate them then we talk about programming your subconscious mind with your life purpose so that not only do you have it consciously but then you program it into your subconscious mind and then you get the law of attraction effect working for you then we talk about how to start taking action how to take all this theory and boil it down to concrete action steps goals plans stuff you can start doing tomorrow we also spend time talking about how to find your ideal niche in the marketplace so it's not just about figuring out what your cur should be or what your top passion is it's also about how to smartly position yourself in the marketplace so that you're occupying a unique niche in the ecosystem that's out there and you can dominate that niche it's a very important discussion that isn't talked about almost anywhere we also talked about how to build powerful habits habits that will keep you on track with your new life purpose there's also a bunch of recommended books that I give you that are all related to life purpose these are very inspiring and powerful books there's an FAQ section where I spent a lot of time talking about all the different questions that people have commonly on this journey because I want you to get all of your questions answered so I give you dozens and dozens of answers to common questions and then lastly as a bonus what I'm going to be working on over the next month as this course is released is inspiring audios what I'm doing is I'm taking the top books on life purpose that I know I'm taking the best most inspiring wisdom packed excerpts from those books and these are from masters people who have mastered this and really understand how to live a passion life I take all that and I make mp3s out of those so you can listen to those and they're like 20 or 30 minutes long you can listen to those in the shower at work or at the gym or in your car when you're driving around or when you're cooking a meal so that you're getting inspired and this becomes an emotional thing not just a logical thing so that's the outline of the whole course over 20 hours of video over 200 gigabytes of content I spent several months just uploading this content took me two months over 90 videos 90% of this content is exclusive new content that has never been talked about before on actualise org and that's going to be exclusive to folks that sign up this course includes exercises many exercises many worksheets also a lot of guided visualizations where we work with your subconscious mind and lots and lots and lots of concrete examples I really wanted to make sure this course was practical not just theoretical that's basically it this course is available now it's accessed instantly online so there's no need to wait for anything to ship you don't even need to download anything you can just stream everything right into your web browser put a lot of work into making sure that it works smoothly and effortlessly now a point about price yes this is a paid course and that's because of the enormous amount of effort that went into developing this course over five months of work a lot of work a lot of work shooting the videos and it was quite a grueling process to shoot these 90 videos make sure they're all consistent and make sure they're all high quality and in fact what I'm committed to is improving the quality of these videos even further after this course is released and you're going to be getting those updates for free if you sign up so a lot of effort went into this so about the cost what I want to say is that in a sense you know I've spoiled you guys on actualised I don't work by releasing all this other material for free and just having it out there and I think that's important but also I think that there's a there's a big downside to that the downside is is that you don't take it seriously all the material that I've released on actualize that are work that's free that material can completely transform your life if you actually apply it the prob is that most people don't actually know how to apply it which is why I'm including so many exercises and worksheets and practical examples in this course is to help you to know how to apply this stuff because most people don't know how if if you're concerned about making a couple hundred dollar investment in yourself then you got to wonder how successful are you ever going to be in your life if you're so cheap that you are afraid to invest in yourself this course if you complete it and do all the assignments and exercises will be worth hundreds of times what you pay for it in the way that it will shape the trajectory of your life this will completely revolutionize how you look at life and how life should be lived and how you view your career or your business courses that are sold elsewhere with this amount of content typically cost five hundred to a thousand dollars or more that's not what I'm charging you here this course I want to make it quite affordable so that almost anyone can afford this course and I think that that's what it ends up being so don't be cheap with your personal development personally in my own life this year just this year I've committed ten thousand dollars just for seminars and retreats that I'm investing to myself because to me investing money in personal development is the highest leveraged investment that I can make it's better than investing money in stocks in fact I pulled all my money out of stocks because I'm not really thrilled with the prospects in the stock market right now but I decided to put that money into myself it'll be very worth it for you if you actually do it which brings me to the point of this course not being a magic pill this is not a magic pill there's a lot of time and effort you have to put into this course to really work this course but then again if you're a person who's really serious about living a powerful life then this will be a negligible cost in terms of time and money for you because you can see the potential that this has if you just get this part of your life taken care of this is not a magic pill you are going to have to work for it basically what this course is in a nutshell is me mind [ __ ] you into living your passion that's how I see it I don't see it as just explanations and theories I try to get like really emotional in this course because this course is personal for me this to me is the essence of life this is the engine that drives your entire life and so I take an emotional approach to teaching you this material because I think that that's what it takes that's it if you like this idea and you're on board go check out the link at the end of this video or below in the text description click the link take a look at the page that has more information about this whole course there's sample videos on there you can take a look at everything there is explained and then you can make your decision there I hope to see you soon I hope you see you in the course that's it for now and thank you for supporting actualised org you